Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 1 is Now in the Can

Well I made it one week!!!! I don’t really feel any different but I’m not going to give up.  Even though it was a cheat day, I didn’t really cheat. I just didn’t feel like it.  I was so prepared to nosh on some chocolate truffles I was given as a gift.  Chocolate is a real weakness of mine. However, after getting myself together for Week 2 (preparing meals and planning my next workouts) I pooped myself out and crashed on the couch.  After settling down, I was too tired to get back up and eat them.  They’ll keep until next week.

As I look back over my first week, I think I did pretty well in sticking to the program.  My upper and lower body workouts were pretty good.  I just need to push myself a little more and shoot for real 10s during my high points.  For my HIIT cardio training, I really think using my strategy to “trick myself” to make it for twenty minutes works for me. In addition, really good music on my iPod is very important for my success.  But don’t get me wrong, I STILL HATE THE TREADMILL!!

So what are some of my goals?  My short term goals for this week are to get more sleep and drink plenty of water.  Long term goals: by the end of the transformation it’d be nice to be back under 200 pounds again while losing fat yet still gaining muscle.  It be awesome to see that 32 waist again.  I don’t want to be winded walking up a flight of steps and I just want to feel better about myself.

Tomorrow I’m stepping on the scale.  No matter what the outcome, I’ll post the results. 

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