Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can Do Cardio!

All in all, yesterday was a good day so I was hoping that it would extend to Day 6.  LOL that’s not how it started.  After staying up way too late and not getting enough sleep, I had the treadmill to look forward to. I firmly believe I have a love hate relationship with that machine.  I hate running on it and it loves to make me miserable!

I got to the gym.  Uh oh! Where’s my lock?  It was not in my gym bag.  Hmm was this my excuse to skip the day and not run because I was worried that my stuff would be stolen.  Trust me.  There’s wasn’t much of value in the bag so it was just an excuse.  Once I realized that, I left my unmentionables in an unattended gym locker and headed to the machine that gives me so much grief.

Trying to remember to set myself mini targets, I hopped on the treadmill.  Naturally, the one open machine was next to Mr. “I don’t sweat even at this ridiculously fast pace” which was right behind Ms. “You don’t break a sweat? Ha I can go faster!” Yeah I told myself I wouldn’t let these people get to me. “You are on a mission for yourself.  Don’t be intimidated just because you can’t go at their speeds. This about what you need to do to reach your ultimate goal.” Besides, I had gotten myself into this situation and couldn’t expect change overnight.  Although of course, I wish I could.

So my little target today was time.  You see, while I on the treadmill I always have the desire to stop.  So I turned it into a game.

1.    You can stop if stay on for 5 minutes. Done
2.    Since you made it 5 minutes, you can stop if you hit a mile.  Done.  Wow halfway through the second cycle.
3.    You can stop if you make it to third cycle. Done
4.    If you really want to stop, make it through the first two minutes of cycle 3.  Done, still going strong.
5.    Since you’re still going, why not stop once you get to the last cycle? Task completed How about after you make it through the cycle?  By then you’ll be done.

I did it.  Treadmill conquered for the day!

Finished the day by hitting the grocery store and planned out some meals.  I’m really looking forward to this program.  I just finished 6 days at the gym.  Woohoo to me!  Now if I can get my sleeping times in order.  I’ll be golden.

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